October marks National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness of the second most common cancer among women—second only to skin cancer.
After surviving breast cancer, Emmy-winning television host Samantha Harris examined everything in her life that could have led to her diagnosis. Best-selling author and host of the PBS series Tell Me More, Kelly Corrigan shares her poignant personal story of battling breast cancer while caring for her father who was also undergoing cancer treatments. Rhonda Kallman shares how she overcame obstacles while rising to the top of a male-dominated business in the midst of triumphing over a Stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis.
With more than 200,000 women diagnosed each year, these APB speakers will not only educate and inspire with their uplifting stories of survival, but will also share the importance of early detection and awareness.
We hope you are equally as inspired by these powerful stories! Brenda