All this month we have been recognizing Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. With everything from the pandemic to the fight against racial injustice, many of us are at a breaking point and experts say support is needed. Leading mental health speaker Mike Veny shares his experience and knowledge of how to deal with the anxiety that COVID has caused, as he has been dealing with these emotions his whole life. Check out his interview below.
As we move into August, National Wellness Month will help us focus on self-care, creating healthy routines and stress management. Observers of National Wellness Month are encouraged to challenge themselves to create new, healthier habits that promote holistic wellness and Samantha Harris shares great tips in how to get started, in her webinar below.
Also be sure to check out our new virtual platform, a functional, economical and user-friendly solution for your next event!
I hope you are well and I look forward to connecting soon, Brenda